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About us

Quality System is the External Quality Assessment brand of Bio Group Medical System, a company operating in the diagnostics sector since 1985.

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Since 1999, Quality System has a valuable tool in assessing the quality
of diagnostics laboratories.

Quality System is the External Quality Assessment brand of Bio Group Medical System, a company operating in the diagnostics sector since 1985.


Quality System offers a wide range of Proficiency Tests and a total of 16 schemes. Different submission frequencies are available for most of the schemes.


Bio Group Medical System is a member of the European Organization For External Quality Assurance Providers in Laboratory Medicine (EQALM).

Quality System’s statistical elaboration procedures have been validated together with the University of Urbino, Italy.


Since 1985, our company has developed extensive experience in the field of diagnostics.
We provide participants with
the highest quality test samples.
“Our mission is to make sure our participants provide their patients with the correct diagnoses”

Our Team


Dr. Lorenzo Bernucci

Quality System Division Manager

Italy Referent 

Sonia Zanghini

Italy Quality System Division Sales and Administration Manager

PT Coordinator

Dr. Matteo Montini

Proficiency Test

Export Referent

Dr. Lorenzo Bernucci

Foreign Quality System Division Sales and Administration Manager

Quality Manager

Sonia Zanghini

Quality System Division Quality Manager

IT System

Enrico Bartolini

Quality System Division

IT Systems


Quality System is present not only in Italy, but also in various other countries, through its
international partnerships.

Every year since 2005, it has participated in the world’s leading diagnostics event: MEDICA Exhibition.

Quality System, together with its foreign distributors, also participates in and organizes congresses and seminars in the various countries in which it operates.

© 2019 by Bio Group Medical System - IT 00964170419

Loc. Campiano 9B, Talamello (RN) - Italy

Tel: +39 0541 920686

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